Steve Jeffrey to Leave Garden Spot Communities and ForgeWorks

January 1, 2024

Garden Spot Communities, a leading provider of senior living services based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, announces the resignation of Steve Jeffrey from his role as Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Garden Spot Communities and Co-Founder/Leader of the Guild for ForgeWorks.

Over the past seven years, Jeffrey has played a pivotal role in establishing ForgeWorks and setting the direction for Garden Spot’s consultancy. He led a team of experienced industry professionals who made a significant impact in the vision and strategy for local and regional non-profit organizations. In addition, his strategic leadership helped to align Garden Spot Communities and Frederick Living in anticipation of the organizations’ pending affiliation.

“It has been an incredible journey, and I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together. I am grateful for the support of the talented teams at Garden Spot Communities and Forgeworks,” said Jeffrey.

The Board of Directors and executive team at Garden Spot Communities extend their appreciation to Steve for his leadership, vision, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

The transition plan for Steve Jeffrey’s successor is currently underway. Scott Miller, Chief Marketing Officer for Garden Spot Communities, will serve as the interim director for ForgeWorks.

“We sincerely thank Steve for his dedicated service and wish him the very best in his future endeavors. The impact of his leadership will continue to resonate within our organization,” said Steve Lindsey, Chief Executive Officer at Garden Spot Communities.

About Garden Spot Communities: Garden Spot Communities is an active and dynamic retirement community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, dedicated to cultivating vibrant community for purposeful living. Founded in faith in 1990, Garden Spot Communities offers a range of living options and services across Lancaster County.

About ForgeWorks: Established in 2017, ForgeWorks provides affordable and practical, field-tested tools and strategies for local and regional non-profit organizations. ForgeWorks serves a variety of organizations providing services ranging from senior living to social services and childcare.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact Juanita Fox at 717.355.6157 or

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