March 12, 2024 1:00 PM

With new respiratory guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regarding COVID-19, we have shared the following with our independent living residents:

  1. Stay home when you are sick! You are most contagious when you have symptoms.
  2. After you are fever-free and your symptoms have started to improve, you no longer need to stay home.
  3. Use caution for five days after your illness. Consider wearing a mask when visiting skilled nursing or attending indoor events where immune-compromised people may be. We recommend using at-home testing to see if you are still contagious.

Healthcare guidance has not changed. Our current guidelines for healthcare visits to Maple Farm, the Skilled Nursing Households, Meadow View and Mountain View at Garden Spot Village, Cedarwood Health Center, Magnolia House and Aspen Village at Frederick Living include:

  1. As you plan your visit, please be mindful that continued transmission of COVID-19 can create a life-threatening scenario for at-risk individuals. For the safety of Garden Spot Communities residents, please reconsider visits if you are experiencing any symptoms and consider wearing a mask.
  2. Visits may occur during COVID-19 outbreaks in healthcare areas. Masking will be required when entering a household with a COVID-19 outbreak. Signs will be posted at household entrances to indicate if masks are required (red signs) or if masks are optional (green signs). If you are visiting in a household with an outbreak, please visit in resident rooms.
  3. Individuals who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 (10 days following contact) or are experiencing respiratory symptoms from any cause will be required to wear a mask.

Vaccination for COVID-19 continues to prevent serious illness from COVID-19, is a safer and more reliable way to build protection than getting sick with COVID-19, and is the safest strategy for avoiding hospitalizations, long-term health outcomes and death. We will continue to educate and encourage vaccination of our residents and staff.

Previous Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

With the end of the Public Health Emergency on Friday, May 11, 2023, and the end of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement for healthcare workers to have a COVID-19 Vaccination, we wanted to share some updates from Garden Spot Communities.

Our current guidelines for healthcare visits include:

  1. As you plan your visit, please be mindful that continued transmission of COVID-19 can create a life-threatening scenario for at-risk individuals. For the safety of Garden Spot Communities residents, please reconsider visits if you are experiencing any symptoms and consider wearing a mask.
  2. Visits may occur during COVID-19 outbreaks in healthcare areas. Masking will be required when entering a household with a COVID-19 outbreak. Signs will be posted at household entrances to indicate if masks are required (red signs) or if masks are optional (green signs). If you are visiting in a household with an outbreak, please visit in resident rooms.
  3. Individuals who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 (10 days following contact) or are experiencing respiratory symptoms from any cause will be required to wear a mask.

Please be advised that if this situation changes significantly in the future, universal masking may be required in healthcare areas.

Garden Spot Communities will discontinue the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in accordance with the CMS guidance. Vaccination for COVID-19 continues to prevent serious illness from COVID-19, is a safer and more reliable way to build protection than getting sick with COVID-19, and is the safest strategy for avoiding hospitalizations, long-term health outcomes and death. We will continue to educate and encourage vaccination of our residents and staff.

The transmission level for Lancaster County moved to “low” on Friday, April 21. We remain “masks optional” in Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm healthcare areas.

As you plan your visit, please be mindful that continued transmission of COVID-19 can create a life-threatening scenario for at-risk individuals. For the safety of residents, please reconsider visits if you are experiencing any symptoms and consider wearing a mask.

Moving forward, masks will be required during an outbreak of COVID-19 in a household. In addition, individuals who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 (10 days following contact) or are experiencing respiratory symptoms from any cause will be required to wear a mask.

The Community Transmission levels will be checked weekly and at any point where transmission levels go to HIGH, masks will again be required. Signs posted at the entrances will indicate when masks are optional or required.

The transmission level for Lancaster County has held at “substantial” for the past two weeks and moved to “moderate” today. This lower transmission level allows us to move to “masks optional” in Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm healthcare areas.

As you plan your visit, please be mindful that continued transmission of COVID-19, as well as the flu and RSV, can create a life-threatening scenario for at-risk individuals. For the safety of residents, please reconsider visits if you are experiencing any symptoms and consider wearing a mask.

Moving forward, masks will be required during an outbreak of COVID-19 in a household. In addition, individuals who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 (10 days following contact) or are experiencing respiratory symptoms from any cause will be required to wear a mask.

The Community Transmission levels will be checked weekly and at any point where transmission levels go to HIGH, masks will again be required. Signs posted at the entrances will indicate when masks are optional or required.

The transmission level for Lancaster County increased to “high.” As a result, masks are required for guests and staff in all healthcare areas including, Maple Farm, the skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village, Mountain View and Meadow View..

In addition, please reconsider visiting if you are experiencing any symptoms that could be related to COVID-19, the flu or RSV.

The Community Transmission levels will be checked weekly; if transmission levels fall and sustain “substantial” for 14 days, masks will once again be optional.

The transmission level for Lancaster County has held at “substantial” for the past two weeks. This lower level of transmission allows us to move to “masks optional” in healthcare areas.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

As you plan your visit, please be mindful that the threat is not over and continued transmission of COVID, as well as the flu and RSV, can create a life-threatening scenario for at-risk individuals. For the safety of our residents, please reconsider visits if you are experiencing any symptoms and consider wearing a mask:

• If, for any reason, you want to
• If you are not up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccinations
• If you are immunocompromised and personally at high risk
• If you are in frequent close contact with someone who is high risk
• If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
• If you live in an area with high spread of the virus

Moving forward, masks may be required during an outbreak of respiratory illness in a household. In addition, the Community Transmission levels will be checked weekly and at any point where transmission levels go to HIGH, masks will again be required.

The Transmission Level in Lancaster County is HIGH: Masks are required in healthcare areas.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

As we begin to learn to live with COVID-19, the PA Department of Health (DOH) has updated their guidelines for healthcare facilities.

Changes include:
Active screening (temperature and symptom checks) is no longer required for visitors and team members.
Visitors will be asked to delay non-urgent visits if they have a positive COVID-19 test, symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or new loss of taste and smell) or exposure to someone who is positive for COVID-19.

Masking requirements
The need to wear masks in Healthcare areas will be dependent on the county Community Transmission level as calculated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This metric allows for earlier intervention before there is a strain on the healthcare system and to better protect individuals seeking care in these settings. (The Community Transmission levels are different than the COVID-19 Community Levels used for non-healthcare settings.)

Community Transmission has four levels-Low, Moderate, Substantial and High.  These levels are calculated based on the number of new cases per 100,000 persons in the past 7 days AND the Percentage of positive NAATs (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test-PCR test is one type) during the past 7 days.  If the two indicators suggest different transmission levels, the higher level is selected.

Masks will be required for all persons entering Healthcare (visitors, team members, contracted providers, vendors, and volunteers) in HIGH Community Transmission level.

For SUBSTANTIAL, MODERATE or LOW Community Transmission level, masks will be optional for all persons entering Healthcare areas (visitors, team members, contracted providers, vendors, and volunteers).

When the levels drop below HIGH, masks will be required for an additional two weeks to ensure that the reduced level will be sustained.

When the levels move back to HIGH, masks will be required immediately, as the risk for COVID-19 transmission is much greater. Signs will be posted at entrances to our skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm as well as Mountain View Personal Care and Meadow View Memory Support to indicate when masks are required.

Community Transmission Levels will be checked weekly per recommendation of PA DOH.

Currently, Lancaster County remains in a HIGH level of Community Transmission (According to the CDC, the most recent case rate is 86.49 per 100,000  persons and the % Positivity is 11.66%.) and masks are required in all Healthcare areas including the Therapy Gym.

Testing Requirements
Newly admitted residents will receive a series of three tests, approximately 48 hours apart. New, asymptomatic residents no longer need to quarantine.
Residents who leave the community for longer than 24 hours, will need to be tested three times, approximately 48 hours apart.

Symptomatic residents will be placed in quarantine and receive a series of two tests, approximately 48 hours apart.

Routine testing of vaccinated staff is no longer required.

Unvaccinated staff with an approved exemption will need to test weekly.

Symptomatic staff will receive a series of two tests, approximately 48 hours apart.

Residents or staff with known exposures will receive a series of three tests, about 48 hours apart.

The ebb and flow of COVID cases has become a way of life. Especially in healthcare, we watch the county transmission rates and COVID test residents and staff on a regular basis per Department of Health guidelines.

Whereas in the past, regulations required healthcare to close down in the event of a case of COVID, currently the regulations require that healthcare remain open. Also by regulation, if someone tests positive in healthcare, there will be signs in the general area warning you that someone in the area tested positive without identifying the individual. By visiting, you assume the risk for exposure to COVID.

All visitors continue to be required to wear masks to enter Healthcare areas; guests may remove their masks during visitation if all parties are up to date on their vaccinations. During this time of increased cases in Lancaster County, we strongly encourage visitors to wear their masks throughout the visit. Anyone visiting someone in isolation, is required to use PPE including a KN95 mask, face shield, gown and gloves.

At the moment, county transmission rates are up and as might be expected, residents and staff in independent living, skilled nursing and personal care are occasionally testing positive.

This serves as a reminder that COVID in not over and we can all take precautions to keep ourselves and those we visit in healthcare safe by practicing good hand hygiene, social distancing and masking in appropriate situations. If you are feeling sick please consider postponing your visits until you are feeling better. At the very least please wear a mask.

The ups and downs of COVID are becoming a way of life. Especially in healthcare, we are watching the county transmission rates and COVID testing residents and staff on a regular basis per Department of Health guidelines.

Whereas in the past, regulations required healthcare to close down in the event of a case of COVID, currently the regulations require that healthcare remain open. Also by regulation, if someone tests positive in healthcare, there will be signs in the general area warning you that someone in the area tested positive without identifying the individual. By visiting, you assume the risk for exposure to COVID.

All visitors continue to be required to wear masks to enter Healthcare areas; guests may remove their masks during visitation if all parties are up to date on their vaccinations. During this time of increased cases in Lancaster County, we strongly encourage visitors to wear their masks throughout the visit. Anyone visiting someone in isolation, is required to use PPE including a KN95 mask, face shield, gown and gloves.

At the moment, county transmission rates are up and as might be expected, residents and staff in independent living, skilled nursing and personal care are occasionally testing positive.

This serves as a reminder that COVID in not over and we can all take precautions to keep ourselves and those we visit in healthcare safe by practicing good hand hygiene, social distancing and masking in appropriate situations. If you are feeling sick please consider postponing your visits until you are feeling better. At the very least please wear a mask.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

On Friday February 25, the CDC updated their guidance on masking. The new metric is “COVID-19 Community Level” and can be found here.

Lancaster County is designated as “Low” in the Community Level metric, meaning that masks are no longer required indoors. At Garden Spot Village, this means masks are no longer required indoors in common spaces and independent living areas.

This change does not affect Maple Farm, the Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village, Meadow View or Mountain View. Masks will continue to be required for guests, residents and team members in those areas.

Also note from the CDC guidance, “People may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.”

As always, this guidance is subject to change. Please continue to check our website for the most up to date information.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

We are grateful to announce that all of the Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm as well as Meadow View and Mountain View are fully open for visitors.

With the holidays approaching, we offer the following guidance regarding holiday visits and meals in our Skilled Nursing Households. This information is based on current best practices and guidance by the Department of Health and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

• Vaccinated residents may give permission for their vaccinated family members to remove their masks while in their room together. If the resident is residing in a shared room, we request that you remain masked if the roommate is in the room.

• Vaccinated residents in private rooms may invite vaccinated family to enjoy a holiday meal in the room. If you choose to order a meal from the household, please make reservations with the household your loved one lives in to ensure we can provide you with the best service.

• Family members are permitted to bring in food items and eat with the resident in their room if resident and all visitors in attendance are fully vaccinated.

• If you prefer, you may make reservations at the Harvest Table for Thanksgiving. Please note that residents are currently able to enjoy a meal at the Harvest Table or Terrance Dining Room. The Coop remains closed to those not residing in Personal Care.

• Residents are permitted to leave skilled nursing households for family events off campus. If planning to go off campus, please notify the team in advance as there could be testing and/or quarantine needs upon return based on an assessment of risk.

• Families may use the parlors in each household as available.

• Laurel View is also an available space for larger groups to gather and visit.

As always, this guidance is subject to change and applies only to our Skilled Nursing Households. Please continue to view the website for the most up to date information.

In addition, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoor, in public spaces. Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Additional guidance from the CDC includes the following:
• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

A team member in the Wintergarden household recently tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, we have discontinued indoor visitation for this household only.

If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Wintergarden, contact Lorrie Westenhoefer at 717.355.6236. To learn more about what it means to be a compassionate caregiver, please contact Marcia Parsons at 717.355.6239.

Additionally, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoor, in public spaces.

Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Maple Farm, Mountain View, Meadow View and the Springwood, Summerfielde and Fallcrest households at Garden Spot Village are still open to visitors. Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:
• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

We are happy to announce that the Summerfielde household at Garden Spot Village, the Brossman household at Maple Farm and our memory support community, Meadow View, have reopened to visitors this week. As a result, all of the Garden Spot Communities skilled nursing, memory support and personal care areas are now open for visitors.

Each visitor entering a healthcare area will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

The Garden Spot Village campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoors, in public spaces and in the Residential Living areas.

In addition, because our highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of our residents, we recently decided to make the COVID-19 vaccine a condition of employment for all adults employed by Garden Spot Communities effective November 30, 2021.

Many hospitals, senior living communities and other healthcare organizations have mandated COVID-19 vaccination. While Garden Spot Communities’ vaccination rates have been higher than some, the rates are not sufficient to meet the mandates of the President and Governor of Pennsylvania. The only way we can meet those mandates is to require vaccination as a condition of employment.

Additional guidance from the CDC includes the following:

• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.

• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

We are happy to announce that the Springwood household re-opened to visitors today, September 9.

The Brossman household at Maple Farm as well as Meadow View and the Summerfielde household at Garden Spot Village are temporarily closed to visitors as a result of positive tests last month.

If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Brossman, please call 717.859.1191. If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Meadow View, contact Leah Hoffner at 717.355.6076. To schedule a virtual visit in Summerfielde, contact Therapeutic Recreation at 717.355.6236. To learn more about what it means to be a compassionate caregiver, please contact Marcia Parsons at 717.355.6239.

The Garden Spot Village campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

The Franzen household at Maple Farm, Mountain View, and the Fallcrest and Wintergarden households at Garden Spot Village are still open to visitors.

Each visitor entering a healthcare area will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

Additionally, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoors, in public spaces and in the Residential Living areas.

Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:

• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.

• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

Team members in Springwood, Summerfield and Meadow View recently tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, Meadow View, Springwood and Summerfield are temporarily closed to visitors while testing continues.

If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Meadow View, contact Leah Hoffner at 717.355.6076. To schedule a virtual visit in Springwood or Summerfield, contact Therapeutic Recreation at 717.355.6236. To learn more about what it means to be a compassionate caregiver, please contact Marcia Parsons at 717.355.6239 or Margaret Murry at 717.355.6240.

Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Maple Farm, Mountain View, Fallcrest and Wintergarden households at Garden Spot Village are still open to visitors.

Each visitor entering a healthcare area will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

Additionally, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoors, in public spaces and in the Residential Living areas.

Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:
• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

A team member at Meadow View has tested positive for COVID-19 and a team member in the Springwood household recently tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, both Meadow View and Springwood are temporarily closed to visitors.

If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Meadow View, contact Leah Hoffner at 717.355.6076. To schedule a virtual visit in Springwood, contact Therapeutic Recreation at 717.355.6236. To learn more about what it means to be a compassionate caregiver, please contact Marcia Parsons at 717.355.6239 or Margaret Murry at 717.355.6240.

Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Maple Farm, Mountain View and the Summerfielde, Fallcrest and Wintergarden households at Garden Spot Village are still open to visitors.

Each visitor entering a healthcare area will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

Additionally, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoors, in public spaces in the Residential Living areas.

Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:
• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This is the most recent update from Garden Spot Communities.

A team member in the Springwood household recently tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, we have discontinued indoor visitation in Springwood.

If you would like to schedule a virtual visit with a resident in Springwood, contact Therapeutic Recreation at 717.355.6236. To learn more about what it means to be a compassionate caregiver, please contact Marcia Parsons at 717.355.6239 or Margaret Murry at 717.355.6240.

Additionally, because Lancaster County remains in the High Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoor, in public spaces.

Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.

Maple Farm, Mountain View, Meadow View and the Summerfielde, Fallcrest and Wintergarden households at Garden Spot Village are still open to visitors. Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:
• Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
• Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

Family and friends are welcome to visit residents at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm. This includes all of our healthcare areas. We temporarily paused indoor visits in Garden Spot Village Skilled Nursing because a vaccinated employee tested positive for COVID-19. We tested all residents and staff in skilled nursing and everyone’s test came back negative so we reopened to guests.
Visitors to Garden Spot Village skilled nursing, personal care and memory support, as well as Maple Farm, need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes a temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.
We continue to work hard to protect our community. Because Lancaster County has moved into Substantial Transmission Status for COVID-19, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks while indoors, in public spaces.
We continue to plan and hold scheduled events.
Additional guidance from the CDC includes the following:
  • Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

We continue to work hard to protect our community. Once again, Lancaster County has moved into Substantial Transmission Status for COVID-19. As a result, effective immediately, we are requiring that residents, team members and guests wear masks indoor, in public spaces.
Our campus remains open to visitors and at this point, we plan to hold scheduled events.
Maple Farm, Mountain View and Meadow View are still open to visitors. Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask. Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.
Because a vaccinated team member in Garden Spot Village skilled nursing tested positive for COVID-19, we have discontinued indoor visitation, in skilled nursing only, at this point. Please contact one of the social workers if you would like to arrange a virtual visit during this time.
Additional guidance for CDC includes the following:
  • Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 2-5 days after exposure, and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

President Biden announced yesterday that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks or practice physical distancing, indoors or out, in most situations. The PA Department of Health confirmed that they will also follow that new guidance.

As a result of this, apartment and cottage residents and guests who are fully vaccinated may remove their masks on our campus. Non-vaccinated residents and guests must still wear their masks on our campus.

In addition, the PA Department of Health confirmed this afternoon that the positive rates for COVID tests continue to drop in Lancaster County.  This news, combined with the relaxed masking rules, will allow us to open Linden and Share & Care to non-residents.

In spite of all this, a few things haven’t changed:
Anyone going to healthcare will need to enter through the Village Square (down the hallway past the Chapel). They will need to be screened and wear a mask.

All Garden Spot Village staff need to continue to wear masks until further notice.

As a reminder:

Visitation Hours for Skilled Nursing Households, Mountain View and Meadow View: 8am to 8pm unless otherwise arranged.

Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask in hallways and common areas.

Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

If you have current symptoms or have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you will be asked not to visit (regardless of your vaccination status).

You will receive written instructions when you arrive. Please read this carefully and follow all of the guidance so that we can continue to keep everyone in healthcare as safe as possible. Visiting Instructions.

For more information about visiting the skilled nursing households or personal care at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

For more information about visiting Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

For more information about visiting Maple Farm, call the receptionist at 717.859.1191

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

Lancaster County’s positivity rate continues to drop. Please continue to encourage your friends and family to get vaccinated. It seems to be having an impact! If you are looking for a vaccine clinic, Stauffer’s Drug Store will host one next Saturday, May 15 at Garden Spot Fire Rescue Station #1. You can find more details here.

We are moving out of the crisis period of COVID-19 and gradually returning to some sense of normal.

When visiting in apartments and cottages whether or not to wear masks is up to the group. If someone in the group is not vaccinated, we advise that everyone consider wearing masks. Everyone is required to continue wearing masks in the hallways and common areas. The one exception is that masks may be removed in common areas while eating or drinking.

According to the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the masking guidelines have been relaxed in Skilled Nursing, Personal Care and Memory Support. Provided everyone agrees, visitors and residents may remove their masks when in a resident room if everyone in the room is vaccinated. Additionally, provided both parties are vaccinated, close contact (touching and hugs) is permitted. If one person is not vaccinated or someone is not comfortable removing their mask, then masks must be worn. Mask must continue to be worn in hallways and common areas. If a staff member is in a resident room, the staff member, the resident and visitors (if present) are required to wear masks.

As a reminder:

Visitation Hours for Skilled Nursing Households, Mountain View and Meadow View: 8am to 8pm unless otherwise arranged.

Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask in hallways and common areas.

Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

If you have current symptoms or have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you will be asked not to visit (regardless of your vaccination status).

You will receive written instructions when you arrive. Please read this carefully and follow all of the guidance so that we can continue to keep everyone in healthcare as safe as possible. Visiting Instructions.

For more information about visiting the skilled nursing households or personal care at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

For more information about visiting Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

For more information about visiting Maple Farm, call the receptionist at 717.859.1191

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

Visitors are once again able to visit residents in the green zones in the Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village! If you are uncertain as to the status of your loved ones’ household, please contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249, before arriving.

Please note, we continue to test residents and team members regularly; if we have a positive case, this will affect our visiting policies. Please check this page for updates.

As a reminder:

Visitation Hours for Skilled Nursing Households, Mountain View and Meadow View: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise arranged.

Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask at all times.

Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

If you have current symptoms or have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you will be asked not to visit (regardless of your vaccine status).

You will receive written instructions when you arrive. Please read this carefully and follow all of the guidance so that we can continue to keep everyone in healthcare as safe as possible. Visiting Instructions.

For more information about visiting the skilled nursing households or personal care at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

For more information about visiting Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

For more information about visiting Maple Farm, call the receptionist at 717.859.1191

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only. For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

We are disheartened to report that visitation in the Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village is temporarily suspended due to a positive COVID test result of a staff member who is recovering at home. Window, Compassionate Care and End of Life visits may continue to be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

Visitation for Personal Care, Memory Support and Maple Farm continues as reported in the March 19, 2021 update below.

Thankfully, all the skilled nursing residents who elected to be vaccinated have received both doses and the full immunity timeframe has passed. However, due to CDC and Pa. Department of Health guidelines, all skilled nursing residents must be tested and visitation will resume pending test results.

Please check this page for updates on re-opening of visitation in the Garden Spot Village Skilled Nursing Households.

We are pleased to share that the remaining independent living residents who were waiting for a vaccine received their first dose today! They will receive their second dose on April 16 and will be considered fully vaccinated on April 30. In other words, our community should be fully vaccinated by May 1!

In addition, Governor Wolf has announced increased capacity for several indoor settings, effective April 4. On that date, the following will go into effect:

• Seating at the Harvest Table and Terrace Dining Room will increase to 75%.  At this time, we are keeping these areas designated for residents and staff only. • Wellness areas will increase to 75% capacity and we will phase in additional classes. We will also reopen locker rooms.
• Indoor meeting spaces will increase capacity to 25%. Masks and distancing will still be required in these spaces.
• Outdoor gatherings are still encouraged. As the weather gets nicer, please take advantage of the outdoor spaces around the campus.

As we announced last week, the Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village, Mountain View Personal Care and Meadow View Memory Support are open to visitors. Maple Farm will open to visitors on Monday, March 22.

Please note, we continue to test residents and team members regularly; if we have a positive case, this will affect our visiting policies. Please check this page for updates.

As a reminder:

Visitation Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise arranged.

Each visitor will need to be screened and wear a mask at all times.

Screening includes temperature check and questionnaire on an iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

If you have current symptoms or have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you will be asked not to visit (regardless of your vaccine status).

Hugs are permitted if the healthcare resident desires a hug… it is totally up to them (please be mindful that some people may be hesitant for this after such a long pandemic season… please do not pressure them).

You will receive written instructions when you arrive. Please read this carefully and follow all of the guidance so that we can continue to keep everyone in healthcare as safe as possible. Visiting Instructions.

For more information about visiting the skilled nursing households or personal care at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

For more information about visiting Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

For more information about visiting Maple Farm, call the receptionist at 717.859.1191

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

WELCOME BACK – The Skilled Nursing Households at Garden Spot Village and Mountain View Personal Care are open to visitors! Everyone is extremely excited that the CDC and the PA Department of Health has authorized healthcare visits. Meadow View Memory Support is holding a vaccine clinic this weekend and will be open for visitors on Monday March 15, 2021 at 8am. This does not mean that we do not need to take precautions. Maple Farm had a vaccinated resident test positive for COVID earlier this week who is asymptomatic. Visitation at Maple Farm will open after testing has been completed. Please check this page for updates.

·Visitation Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise arranged.

·Each visitor will need to be screened at Village Square and wear masks at all times.

·Screening includes temperature check and completing all the questions on the iPad prior to receiving a Visitor sticker that must be worn while visiting.

·If you have current symptoms or have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you will be asked not to visit (regardless of your vaccine status).

·Hugs are permitted if the healthcare resident desires a hug… it is totally up to them (please be mindful that some people may be hesitant for this after such a long pandemic season… please do not pressure them).

·There will be a sheet provided with written instructions when you arrive… please read this carefully and follow all of the guidance so that we can continue to keep everyone in healthcare as safe as possible. Visiting Instructions.


Today we hosted another vaccine clinic with Stauffer’s Pharmacy and are able to offer the first dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine to 110 more independent living residents. We continue to work with Stauffer’s to secure vaccines for the rest of our independent living community. Because the allocation of vaccine to Stauffer’s has been limited, we are encouraging independent living residents who have other ways to receive the vaccine, to do so.

For more information about visiting the skilled nursing households or personal care at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

To schedule a visit at Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.


In addition, because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents in all healthcare areas regularly based on government regulations; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only. For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

Today we hosted a vaccine clinic with Stauffer’s Pharmacy where we were able to offer the Moderna COVID vaccine with 145 more independent living residents. In addition, the group of residents who received their first dose on February 5 were able to get their second dose today, as scheduled.

We continue to work with Stauffer’s to secure vaccines for the rest of our independent living community. Because  the allocation of vaccine to Stauffer’s has been limited, we are encouraging independent living residents who have other ways to receive the vaccine, to do so.

Please note, the shortage in Moderna vaccines for independent living does not affect the distribution of the Pfizer vaccines to our skilled nursing, memory support and personal care residents and team members. We are pleased to report we will be wrapping up those clinics in the next week or two.

We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer pre-scheduled, in-person, socially-distanced visits with skilled nursing and memory support residents at Garden Spot Village. To schedule a visit at Garden Spot Village, contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249.

To schedule a visit at Meadow View Memory Support, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104.

At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.

PLEASE NOTE: All visits must be pre-arranged.

In addition, because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents in all healthcare areas regularly based on government regulations; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

We are pleased to report that Stauffer’s Pharmacy was able to secure enough second doses of the Moderna vaccine to fully vaccinate independent living residents who received their first dose of the vaccine on Friday, January 29. We fully anticipate that Stauffer’s will also receive sufficient doses next week for the group that received their first dose on February 5.

We are also hopeful that we will be able to offer vaccines for the rest of our independent living community soon and are working to find alternative sources for that vaccine, should that be necessary. We are encouraging independent living residents who have other ways to receive the vaccine, to do so.

Please note, the shortage in Moderna vaccines for independent living does not affect the distribution of the Pfizer vaccines to our skilled nursing, memory support and personal care residents and team members. We continue to hold vaccine clinics for this part of our community through CVS.

In addition, the completion of the vaccinations does not change visitation for our skilled nursing and personal care households. Please note, for Garden Spot Village, window visits can be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307. We anticipate that we will be able to resume pre-scheduled, in-person visits in early March if current trends continue to hold.

Meadow View Memory Support hopes to open for pre-scheduled, in-person, socially-distanced visits next week. To arrange a visit at Meadow View, please contact Mark Hickson at or 717.355.6104. Visit must be pre-arranged.

Because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents in all healthcare areas regularly based on government regulations; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

While we are thankful that Lancaster County continues to make strides to fight COVID-19, we are disheartened to share that Stauffer’s Pharmacy received word on Tuesday, February 16, that they will not be receiving any vaccines for our independent living residents again this week.

The PA Department of Health explained that, as of last week, they started to realize that they are falling behind on fulfilling orders for second doses of the Moderna vaccine. As a result, they are dramatically reducing the number of first doses they will send to providers. This is the reason we have not received any new doses since February 5. They did assure us that they are doing their best to ensure Stauffer’s will receive the second doses in time to finish vaccinating the residents who received doses on January 28 and February 5.

Unfortunately, Garden Spot is not alone in this. LeadingAgePA representatives recently testified to a Pennsylvania House Policy Committee that independent living residents at retirement communities across the state are struggling to get access to the vaccine. Whenever possible, we are encouraging independent living residents to consider other opportunities to access the vaccine, either through their healthcare provider or the Veteran’s Administration.

Please note, this shortage in Moderna vaccines does not affect the distribution of the Pfizer vaccines to our skilled nursing, memory support and personal care residents and team members.

The completion of the vaccinations does not change visitation for our skilled nursing and memory care households. Please note, for Garden Spot Village, window visits can be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.

Because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents in all healthcare areas regularly based on government regulations; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

We are thankful that Lancaster County continues to make strides to fight COVID-19. A second COVID-19 vaccine clinic for independent living was held this morning and a limited number of additional residents received their first dose of the two-step Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, the positivity rate in Lancaster County for new COVID cases fell below 10% this morning; this drop means that independent living residents can once again host guests and family members in their apartments and cottages. All visitors still need to be screened as well as follow masking and social distancing guidelines. In addition, we recommend that residents open windows, as appropriate, to provide additional ventilation. If possible we still encourage meeting in more open common spaces.

This drop in positivity rate does not change visitation for our skilled nursing and memory care households. Please note, for Garden Spot Village, window visits can be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.

Because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents in all healthcare areas regularly based on government regulations; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

Our restaurants and stores remain open for residents and team members only.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

This morning, Friday, January 29, Stauffer’s Pharmacy in New Holland, offered a clinic to independent living residents, dispensing the first dose of the two-dose Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Because the Department of Health allocated a limited supply to Garden Spot Village, only a portion of residents were vaccinated. We continue to place requests for the vaccine and hope to get the next round started very soon. We are hopeful that additional supplies of the vaccine will be available for independent living residents very soon.

Meadow View team members and residents are scheduled to receive their first dose on Saturday, January 30.

Because Lancaster County’s transmission rate remains above 10%, independent living residents are still encouraged to visit with family and friends in common areas.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

On Wednesday, January 20, Mountain View personal care residents and team members received the first dose of the two-dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Meadow View team members and residents are scheduled to receive their first dose on Saturday, January 30.

In addition, all of our skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village are in the green phase.

For Garden Spot Village, window visits may be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.

Please note that because Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status, we continue to test all staff and residents two times a week; a positive staff or resident test could change the visitation status at any point.

We are hopeful that the vaccine will make the need for universal testing less frequent in the near future.

Stauffer’s Pharmacy has been approved to administer COVID-19 vaccines for our Independent Living residents. We will communicate dates for those vaccine clinics when they are available. Residents can sign up to receive the vaccine by calling Resident Services at 717.355.6000.

Because Lancaster County’s transmission rate remains above 10%, independent living residents are still encouraged to visit with family and friends in common areas.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the Covid Early Warning Dashboard.

Today marks a milestone in our COVID-19 response! One hundred and sixty Garden Spot Village team members and residents received the first dose of the two-dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Tomorrow, Maple Farm team members and residents will receive their first doses of the vaccine.

We are thankful for the opportunity to be rounding the corner in the pandemic – to see the light at the end of these dark days.

We continue to complete universal testing of skilled and personal care residents and team members twice a week. Testing will continue as long as Lancaster County remains in substantial transmission status. We are hopeful that the vaccine will make the need for universal testing less frequent in the near future.

Stauffer’s Pharmacy has been approved to administer COVID-19 vaccines for our Independent Living residents. We will communicate dates for those vaccine clinics when they are available.

Because Lancaster County’s transmission rate is back up to 14%, independent living residents are still encouraged to visit with family and friends in common areas.

For additional information on cases and positivity rates for Lancaster County, visit the COVID Early Warning Dashboard.

For additional information on the COVID-19 pandemic or the vaccine, visit the CDC website.

This is our last update for 2020. Regular updates will continue in 2021 and until this situation has passed. We have done our best to be transparent, open and upfront this year in these posts and in direct communications with residents, family and staff. We appreciate all the support and cooperation from everyone during these unprecedented times. Like every community, we have experienced the tragic impact of this virus… but we also know that it could be so much worse and that, even now, things can change instantly.  It is because of this that we are very thankful to everyone who has been cooperative with the safety protocols that have been implemented and has helped to minimize the number of COVID-19 cases on campus.  We have lived through this as a community and we will get through this as a community!

We were scheduled by CVS to begin vaccinating skilled nursing staff and residents Tuesday, December 29, 2020.  However, they appeared to have had some scheduling issues and vaccination has been delayed.  The first vaccine clinic for this group is now scheduled for January 11.  Maple Farm was scheduled for January 4, but has also been delayed until January 12.  We are anxious for this vaccination process to begin, as we know that this is the only way that this current situation will eventually end.

We have not yet received dates for Independent Living vaccinations, but we received good news that Stauffer’s Pharmacy was approved to provide this service for us.  We will communicate further as soon as we hear something specific about dates and details for this vaccination. Until that happens, we continue to have positive cases being identified in both Independent Living and Skilled Nursing.  Meadow View moved back to “Green” status on December 29 and are again able to have limited visitation.

The good news is that Lancaster County’s positivity rate is continuing to trend down and is currently at 13.8%.  (It was 14.0% last week.)  Keep in mind, however, that this is still very high and we all need to be especially careful whenever we are out of our homes.  Until this number drops below 10%, we continue to ask you to visit with guests in the common areas of the building or outside.

Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year!
Steve Lindsey

Garden Spot Communities is partnering with Omnicare by CVS for on-site distribution of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for skilled nursing team members and residents. The first date for Garden Spot Village’s two-step vaccine is tentatively scheduled for January 11. The second date is yet to be determined. The first date for Maple Farm’s two-step vaccine is confirmed for January 12. The second date is tentatively scheduled for February 2. This is the start of a multiphase implementation of the vaccine that will be rolled out over the next several months and will eventually include all staff and residents across our campuses. We will provide updates on later phases as they become available.

Garden Spot Communities is partnering with Omnicare by CVS for on-site distribution of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for skilled nursing team members and residents. We learned late yesterday that the first date for Garden Spot Village’s two-step vaccine was rescheduled to January 11. The second date is yet to be determined. Maple Farm’s tentatively scheduled dates for the two-step vaccine are January 4 and 25, 2021. This is the first of a multiphase implementation of the vaccine that will be rolled out over the next several months and will eventually include all staff and residents across our campuses. We will provide updates on later phases as they become available.

Garden Spot Communities is partnering with Omnicare by CVS for on-site distribution of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for skilled nursing team members and residents. Garden Spot Village dates for the two-step vaccine will be December 29, 2020 and January 19, 2021. Maple Farm dates for the two-step vaccine will be January 4 and 25, 2021. This is the first of a multiphase implementation of the vaccine that will rolled out over the next several months and will eventually include all staff and residents across our campuses. We will provide updates on later phases as they become available.

We are encouraging all staff and residents to participate in the COVID vaccination. The scientific research provided to us indicates the vaccine is safe. We realize a lot of people have a lot of questions surrounding the vaccine. Here are a few of the questions we’ve been hearing:

  1. Is the vaccine safe? To quote one of the doctors, this is probably the safest vaccine ever developed. While this is the first time pharmaceutical companies have used mRNA technology in vaccines, it is not a new technology. It was used in earlier vaccines that were not brought to market because they were not needed.
  2. How effective is it? Studies show that the Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective and the Moderna vaccine is 94.1% effective.
  3. If I had COVID or a positive antibody test, do I need to get the vaccine? Yes. Doctors are saying the vaccine is better prevention than getting the infection and the antibody tests are unreliable.
  4. What were the standards for the trials? The FDA requires 3,000 test participants that are monitored for six weeks. Pfizer had 44,000 test participants and Moderna had 30,000; both trials were monitored for eight weeks.
  5. Will I still need to wear a mask? Yes. In the short term you will still need to wear a mask, follow social distancing guidelines and wash your hands regularly.
  6. Will staff and residents in skilled nursing still need to be tested regularly? Yes. Until we achieve herd immunity through vaccine distribution, we will still need to test regularly to assure residents and team members remain healthy.


Omnicare CVS offers an FAQ here.

The FDA offers an FAQ about the Pfizer vaccine here.

The American Medical Directors Association offers a very informative FAQ PowerPoint deck with statistics and other information here.

As Christmas and New Year’s are quickly approaching, we continue to encourage our community to be especially careful with regards to COVID. We are carefully monitoring the transmission levels in Lancaster County. At the moment, the positivity rate in Lancaster County is below 15% which means that residents can continue to entertain visitors in common areas or outside. We continue to request that guests not visit independent living residents in their homes, unless there are special circumstances and the Social Services team has been consulted.

All guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors.

Fortunately, CVS contacted Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm to coordinate dates to vaccinate all staff and residents in healthcare. Independent living staff and resident vaccines will be at an, as yet, undetermined future time. Here are additional details:

  • We will be receiving the Pfizer Vaccine
  • The vaccine will be administered by Omnicare CVS on-site at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm
  • The vaccine is a 2 step process
  • Garden Spot Village Dates: December 29, 2020 & January 19, 2021
  • Maple Farm Dates: January 4, 2021 & January 25, 2021
  • We are encouraging all staff and residents to participate in COVID vaccination. The scientific research provided to us indicates the vaccine is safe. There are intentional misinformation campaigns and websites sponsored by small groups of people who oppose the vaccine. Please do your research and do not rely on hearsay and opinions.  Your safety and the safety of others is our primary concern.
  • To reiterate, we believe the vaccine is safe. We found this Webinar to be extremely informative. Please take the time to watch it. COVID-19 Vaccine|Answers to Your Questions.
  • All healthcare staff and residents will need to sign a consent form. Families and POAs of residents in healthcare will be contacted ahead of time and a form will be sent to you. At this time we are working on the process and dates will be forth coming.
We continue to test all staff and residents in skilled nursing areas twice a week and weekly in personal care. Through this universal testing, we had some asymptomatic positive test results. As a result, in accordance with regulations, in person visitation has been temporarily suspended. This includes memory support.
Window visits and virtual visits are still permitted. For Garden Spot Village, these visits must be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room and Harvest Table continue to be open for takeout  or delivery for residents only and the Wellness Center is closed, in compliance with Governor Wolf’s orders. Linden Store continues to be closed to the public.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please the CDC Website.
As Christmas and New Year’s are quickly approaching, we continue to encourage our community to be especially careful with regards to COVID. We are carefully monitoring the transmission levels in Lancaster County. At the moment, the positivity rate in Lancaster County is below 15% which means that residents can continue to entertain visitors in common areas or outside. We continue to request that guests not visit independent living residents in their homes, unless there are special circumstances and the Social Services team has been consulted.
All guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors.
CVS Pharmacy recently contacted us to set dates in late-December and early-January for administering the COVID-19 vaccine to our skilled nursing staff and residents. We do not yet have information about when vaccines will be available for our independent living residents.
We continue to test all staff and residents in skilled nursing areas twice a week and weekly in personal care. Through this universal testing, we had some asymptomatic positive test results. As a result, in accordance with regulations, in person visitation has been temporarily suspended. This includes memory support.
Window visits and virtual visits are still permitted. For Garden Spot Village, these visits must be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room and Harvest Table continue to be open for takeout  or delivery for residents only and the Wellness Center is closed, in compliance with Governor Wolf’s orders. Linden Store continues to be closed to the public.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please the CDC Website.
Yesterday, December 10, 2020, Governor Wolf issued new directives related to the prevention of community-wide spread of COVID-19 through January 4. As a result, Garden Spot Communities will be implementing the following changes, effective Saturday, December 12.
  • All in-person indoor dining at the Creamery, Harvest Table and Terrace Dining Room will be discontinued; the restaurants will offer take-out or delivery only.
  • Catered events will be canceled or postponed.
  • The pool and fitness rooms will temporarily close.
  • We will reduce the numbers of shoppers in Linden and Share & Care.
  • Indoor gatherings and events of more than 10 persons are not permitted.
  • Outdoor gatherings and events of more than 50 persons are not permitted.
In addition, we continue to request that guests not visit independent living residents in their homes, unless there are special circumstances and the Social Services team has been consulted. Instead, we are asking that visitation occur in the common areas of the building (where there is a larger volume of space and more ventilation) or outdoor areas. All guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors.
Also, as per the directive of the PA Department of Health, all staff and residents in our skilled households and personal care must be tested twice a week. Through this universal testing, we had some asymptomatic positive test results in the skilled nursing households and personal care. As a result, in accordance with regulations, in person visitation has been temporarily suspended. This includes memory support.
Window visits and virtual visits are still permitted. For Garden Spot Village, these visits must be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.
Please know that we are asking for cooperation with these changes as a means to provide a living environment that is as safe as possible for the residents of Garden Spot Village. For your own health and safety, please stay vigilant with your own safety measures and encourage others to do the same.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room, Harvest Table, Wellness Center and Linden Store continue to be closed to the public.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please the CDC Website.
Today, the Lancaster County COVID-19 positivity rate increased to 12.7%. As per the directive of the PA Department of Health, all staff and residents in our skilled households and personal care must be tested twice a week. Through this universal testing, we had some asymptomatic positive test results in the skilled nursing households and one in personal care. As a result, in accordance with regulations, in person visitation has been temporarily suspended. This includes memory support.
Window visits and virtual visits are still permitted. For Garden Spot Village, these visits must be scheduled with Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249. At Maple Farm, window visits can be scheduled with the receptionist, 717.859.1191 and virtual visits with Laura Glick, at 717.859.5307.
Because we know that the virus spreads more easily in enclosed spaces, we are now requesting that guests not visit independent living residents in their homes, unless there are special circumstances and the Social Services team has been consulted. Instead, we are asking that visitation occur in the common areas of the building (where there is a larger volume of space and more ventilation) or outdoor areas. All guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors.
Please know that we are asking for cooperation with these changes as a means to provide a living environment that is as safe as possible for the residents of Garden Spot Village. For your own health and safety, please stay vigilant with your own safety measures and encourage others to do the same. To protect yourself, your family and our communities, remember simple, effective steps to stay safe, particularly with the holidays just around the corner:
  • Limit gathering sizes – even small gatherings carry risk.
  • Avoid eating or drinking in groups where social distancing is not possible. We know this is a high-risk activity.
  • Follow masking and social distancing guidelines.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
Sharing and role modeling safety behaviors remains the most important thing any of us can do to slow the spread.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room, Harvest Table, Wellness Center and Linden Store continue to be closed to the public.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please the CDC Website. 
On Friday, November 20, Lancaster County hit an unfortunate milestone, as we exceeded the 10% threshold for COVID-19 positivity rates in testing. To be specific, the county is now reporting 11.3% positivity. Because we know that the virus spreads more easily in enclosed spaces, we are now requesting that guests not visit residents in their homes, unless there are special circumstances and the Social Services team has been consulted.
Instead, we are asking that visitation occur in the common areas of the building (where there is a larger volume of space and more ventilation) or outdoor areas. All guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors.
Additionally, as per a directive from the PA Department of Health, the increase in positivity rate means that indoor visitation with residents in the skilled nursing households must be curtailed. Window visits and virtual visits are still permitted, but must be scheduled. For visits at Garden Spot Village contact Cynthia Monroe, Garden Spot Village visitation coordinator, 717.368.9249 or Schedule virtual visits at Maple Farm by calling Laura Glick at 717.859.5307 or schedule window visits by calling 717.859.1191.
In-person visitation in the Mountain View Personal Care Community has been temporarily suspended after an asymptomatic resident recently tested positive for COVID during routine testing. Meadow View Memory Support has also suspended in-person visitation due to the elevated positivity rates in the county.
Please know that we are asking for cooperation with these changes as a means to provide a living environment that is as safe as possible for the residents of Garden Spot Village.
Our hospital contacts tell us that the peak of this second wave is still on the horizon. For your own health and safety, please stay vigilant with your own safety measures and encourage others to do the same. To protect yourself, your family and our communities, remember simple, effective steps to stay safe, particularly with the holidays just around the corner:
  • Limit gathering sizes – even small gatherings carry risk.
  • Avoid eating or drinking in groups where social distancing is not possible. We know this is a high-risk activity.
  • Follow masking and social distancing guidelines.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
Sharing and role modeling safety behaviors remains the most important thing any of us can do to slow the spread.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room, Harvest Table, Wellness Center and Linden Store continue to be closed to the public.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please the CDC Website.
We once again completed universal testing of our health care team members, as per Pennsylvania Department of Health guidelines. We had one asymptomatic team member at Garden Spot Village and one asymptomatic team member at Maple Farm. As a result, we are required to postpone visits for residents in the Springwood Household at Garden Spot Village and at Maple Farm until November 23, 2020.
In addition, there are a number of independent living residents who are under quarantine as a result of contact with COVID positive family and friends. Unfortunately, three independent living residents have tested positive for COVID and are under quarantine as well. If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms please wait and visit at another time for the safety of all involved.
Limited family visits with Garden Spot Village skilled nursing households, Winter Garden, Fallcrest and Summerfielde, personal care and Meadow View memory support residents can still be arranged and scheduled. Please contact Cynthia Monroe, visitation coordinator, (717), to arrange these visits. Drop-in visits cannot yet be accommodated in the health care areas per Pennsylvania Department of Health restrictions.
Our hospital contacts tell us that the peak of this second wave is still on the horizon. For your own health and safety, please stay vigilant with your own safety measures and encourage others to do the same. To protect yourself, your family and our communities, remember simple, effective steps to stay safe, particularly with the holidays just around the corner:
  • Limit gathering sizes – even small gatherings carry risk.
  • Avoid eating or drinking in groups where social distancing is not possible. We know this is a high-risk activity.
  • Follow masking and social distancing guidelines.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
Sharing and role modeling safety behaviors remains the most important thing any of us can do to slow the spread.
As a reminder, all guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors. Indoor visits may occur as long as the positivity rate in Lancaster County remains under 10%.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room, Harvest Table, Wellness Center and Linden Store continue to be closed to the public.
Share & Care Thrift Shop will open to the general public on Saturdays only, 10am-2pm.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
With the upswing in the numbers of COVID-19 cases in Lancaster County, there are several independent living residents under quarantine. As a result, we encourage our residents, employees and their families to have candid conversations about expectations for family and social gatherings as we head into the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.
Some topics of conversation:
  • Understand your boundaries. One of the most important things you can do is to think about your boundaries and what’s important to you before you meet up with friends or family. We often get into situations and feel uncomfortable, but we don’t know if we should say something… or even what to say. By figuring out your boundaries before the situation happens, and communicating them in advance, it’s easier to stay true to them.
  • Set ground rules. If you’re planning to get together with a group of people, talk about the guidelines in advance. Will you wear masks or not? Will you stay 6 feet apart? Will you be inside or outside? Everyone should agree to follow the ground rules.
  • Determine how to prepare. If you will be inside without masks (i.e. sharing a meal together) ask everyone who will be in attendance to commit to wearing masks whenever you are with people not part of your immediate family, to be mindful of social distancing, to refrain from eating in restaurants and attending church services where people are not wearing masks and to maintain proper hand hygiene for two weeks before the gathering.
As a reminder, all guests coming to visit residents in the apartments must check in and be screened at the Apartment Suites Lobby or the Village Square. Guests should not enter through side entrances or resident patio doors. Indoor visits may occur as long as the positivity rate in Lancaster County remains under 10%.
Weekly case counts, positivity rates and updates are provided by the Department of Health on the Early Warning Dashboard
The Terrace Dining Room, Harvest Table, Wellness Center and Linden Store continue to be closed to the public.
Share & Care Thrift Shop will open to the general public on Saturdays only, starting November 7, 10am-2pm.
Limited family visits with Garden Spot Village skilled nursing, personal care and Meadow View memory support residents, as well as, people living at Maple Farm can be arranged and scheduled. Please contact Social Services to arrange these visits. Drop-in visits cannot yet be accommodated in the health care areas per Pennsylvania Department of Health restrictions.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
We’re all in this together! We need your help to keep our campus safe. We are thankful to share that because of the diligence of residents, team members, family and friends, Garden Spot Communities has been COVID-free since our last update at the beginning of October.
Thank you, everyone, for being careful and for wearing your masks, washing your hands and observing physical distancing during your visits. Please, continue to remain diligent as the weather turns colder.
We continue to staff screening stations with thermal kiosks at the Apartment Suites Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance. Visitors receive a visitor’s badge after the screening process.
Limited family visits with Garden Spot Village skilled nursing, personal care and Meadow View memory support residents, as well as, people living at Maple Farm can be arranged and scheduled. Please contact Social Services to arrange these visits. Drop in visits cannot yet be accommodated in the health care areas per Pennsylvania Department of Health restrictions.
Our restaurants and all indoor services continue to be closed to the public at this time.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
Since the last update at the beginning of September, residents, staff, family members and visitors all working together have continued to create safe environments for everyone. Thank you for your part in helping to maintain the health and safety of our campuses.
Meadow View, a state-of-the-art resilient living memory support community, opened the end of September. While there are many unique aspects to Meadow View, one that stands out is two residential living apartments with memory support suites that allow husbands and wives to live together while taking advantage of the secure environment. Visit the Meadow View Opening Plan for details.
While life looks different for the people of Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm, it has continued in many life-giving ways. With the proper precautions, people in residential living have been hosting family and select visitors for a couple of months. We continue to ask everyone to wear masks, observe social distance and meet either outside or in open common spaces to help keep everyone safe.
At the Apartment Suites Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance we have screening stations with kiosks that take everyone’s temperature. Visitors are provided a visitor’s badge.
Limited family visits with Garden Spot Village skilled nursing, personal care and Meadow View memory support residents, as well as, people living at Maple Farm can be arranged and scheduled. Drop in visits cannot yet be accommodated in the health care areas per Pa Department of Health restrictions.
Our restaurants and all indoor services continue to be closed to the public at this time.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
Thank you for your cooperation and your patience over the last several months. Thank you also for all you have done to help keep the residents of Garden Spot Village safe and healthy.
While life looks different for the people at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm, it has continued in many life-giving ways. With the proper precautions, people in residential living have been hosting family and select visitors for a couple of months. Everyone is expected to wear masks, social distance and meet either outside or in open common spaces to help keep everyone safe.
At the Apartment Suites Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance we have screening stations with kiosks that take everyone’s temperature. Visitors are provided a visitor’s badge.
Limited family visits with Garden Spot Village skilled nursing, personal care and memory support residents, as well as, people living at Maple Farm can be arranged and scheduled. Please note, the Department of Health announced yesterday additional restrictions related to compassionate care visits. We are still working through what that means for our community and sorting through the impact of those restrictions for these visits. Also, drop in visits cannot yet be accommodated in the health care areas.
We know this is another important holiday weekend and we all wish we could give each other hugs and kiss our loved ones. For everyone’s safety we ask that visitors please maintain social distancing, wear masks and meet in open, airy spaces.
Our restaurants and all indoor services continue to be closed to the public at this time.
We have been closely monitoring and abiding by guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
The following highlights recent developments related to visitation with residents in the skilled nursing households:
Garden Spot Village has successfully completed universal testing of staff and residents in the skilled nursing households. As a result, in-person visits are tentatively scheduled to begin August 31. The updated reopening plan below details precautious that will be in place.

Here are a few details regarding visitation as it becomes available:

  • Family members will be contacted directly regarding the visitation plans.
  • Visits must be pre-scheduled, will start on the hour and will last for 40 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces between visits.
  • Four visitors may be present for each visit.
  • All visitors over the age of two must wear masks for the duration of the visit.
  • Visitors will be screened with temperatures and a series of questions. Anyone who has a temperature of 100.0F or higher or does not pass the screening questions will not be able to visit.
  • When possible, visits will happen outdoors. In case of inclement weather or extreme heat, an indoor space has been identified for these visits.
We continue to have open visitation for the Cottages and Apartments in Independent Living but do advise that, for everyone’s safety, those visits occur outdoors or in the large community spaces where there is sufficient air circulation.
As a reminder, we continue to have occasional cases of independent living residents who test positive for COVID-19. We continue to flag those areas of the campus to alert residents, team members and visitors.
We continue to screen all visitors who enter the main building. Visitors check in at temperature screening stations inside the Apartment Suites Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance. All visitors must wear a mask while on campus and enter the main building at one of those locations and be screened prior to visiting with residents.
All of our restaurants and other indoor services are closed to the public.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful that family and friends have been able to visit independent living residents for several weeks and visitation in healthcare has begun in select areas at this time.
On Monday, August 3, Maple Farm began to make in-person visitation appointments for residents’ family members after completion of universal testing. At this time Maple Farm visits will take place one day a week.
Garden Spot Village had a staff member test positive for COVID-19 this week. As a result, in-person visits are tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, August 31. Please understand that, based on regulatory guidance, all of these plans are subject to change based on any additional positive COVID-19 tests in the days ahead.
In Personal Care, Mountain View and Laurel View completed universal testing last week. Please see their reopening plans below, which include a tentative opening start date of Wednesday, August 19.
Here are a few details regarding visitation as it becomes available:
  1. Family members will be contacted directly regarding the visitation plans.
  2. Visits must be pre-scheduled, will start on the hour and will last for 40 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces between visits.
  3. Four visitors may be present for each visit.
  4. All visitors over the age of two must wear masks for the duration of the visit.
  5. Visitors will be screened with temperatures and a series of questions. Anyone who has a temperature of 100.0F or higher or does not pass the screening questions will not be able to visit.
  6. When possible, visits will happen outdoors. In case of inclement weather or extreme heat, an indoor space has been identified for these visits.
In addition, we continue to have occasional cases of independent living residents who test positive for COVID-19. We continue to flag those areas of the campus to alert residents, team members and visitors.
We continue to screen all visitors who enter the main building. Visitors check in at temperature screening stations inside the Apartment Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance. All visitors must wear a mask while on campus and enter the main building at one of those locations and be screened prior to visiting with residents.
Although we continue to encourage outdoor visits, indoor visits are permitted.
All of our restaurants and other indoor services are closed to the public.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful that family and friends have been able to visit independent living residents for several weeks and visitation in healthcare has begun in select areas at this time.
Effective Monday, August 3, Maple Farm began to make in-person visitation appointments for residents’ family members after completion of universal testing. At this time Maple Farm visits will take place one day a week.
Garden Spot Village had a staff member test positive for COVID-19 this week. The team member has not worked since August 2. All residents who had been in contact with the person were placed in precaution. There have been no symptoms among staff or residents since August 2. Tentatively, in-person visits are scheduled to begin August 24. Please understand that, based on regulatory guidance, all of these plans are subject to change based on any additional positive COVID-19 tests in the days ahead. Plans for visitation in Personal Care and Memory Support are also being prepared and will be available when universal testing is complete. Universal testing requires a minimum of two weeks to complete.
Here are a few details regarding visitation as it becomes available:
  1. Family members will be contacted directly regarding the visitation plans.
  2. Visits must be pre-scheduled, will start on the hour and will last for 40 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces between visits.
  3. Four visitors may be present for each visit.
  4. All visitors over the age of two must wear masks for the duration of the visit.
  5. Visitors will be screened with temperatures and a series of questions. Anyone who has a temperature of 100.0F or higher or does not pass the screening questions will not be able to visit.
  6. When possible, visits will happen outdoors. In case of inclement weather or extreme heat, an indoor space has been identified for these visits.
View the plans, as submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, below.
In Personal Care, Mountain View began universal testing last week. Laurel View began universal testing this week.
In addition, we continue to have occasional cases of independent living residents who test positive for COVID-19. We continue to flag those areas of the campus to alert residents, team members and visitors.
We continue to screen all visitors who enter the main building. Visitors check in at temperature screening stations inside the Apartment Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance. All visitors must wear a mask while on campus and enter the main building at one of those locations and be screened prior to visiting with residents.
Although we continue to encourage outdoor visits, indoor visits are permitted.
All of our restaurants and other indoor services are closed to the public.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website.

Starting Wednesday, July 8, we will begin screening only visitors who enter the main building. Visitors will need to check in at temperature screening stations inside the Apartment Lobby entrance and the Village Square entrance. All visitors must wear a mask while on campus and enter the main building at one of those locations and be screened prior to visiting with residents.

Although we continue to encourage outdoor visits, we realize the higher July temperatures may make that difficult. Therefore, indoor visits will be permitted beginning Wednesday, July 8. We encourage visits in public areas of the building as a first choice.

In addition, the following remain in place:

  • All of our restaurants and other indoor services are closed to the public.
  • Healthcare continues to remain closed as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

We are thankful there are no new cases of COVID-19 in residential living, personal care or memory support.
We continue with universal testing of residents and staff in the skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm. As a result of the second round of testing at Maple Farm one resident and one staff tested positive but both are asymptomatic.. Garden Spot Village is still awaiting second round test results.
We are committed to transparency and have been making regular website updates as situations have changed since the beginning of March. At this point, since the Lancaster County open status is Green, Garden Spot has established practices to keep the community healthy and the campus situation is stable, we plan to move from weekly posts to simply reporting when we have something significant to report.
The following precautions remain in place:
  • Everyone entering campus must be screened and wear a mask. Everyone’s temperature will be taken at the screening tent and if anyone in the vehicle has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, that vehicle will be denied access to the campus and those persons will be asked to visit at another time when their health issues have resolved. Please wear a mask as you approach the tent in consideration of our staff.
  • All visits should be outdoors. Both masks and social distancing are required.
  • All of our restaurants and other indoor services are closed to the public. 
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful that our COVID-19 situation has not changed since our last post and the two people who have tested positive in independent living are recovering at home. We continue with the second round of universal testing in the skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm and are awaiting test results. Results are returning slowly. In-person visitation in healthcare is still not permitted at this time, per the directives of the Department of Health. Window visits can be scheduled at Garden Spot Village and Zoom or FaceTime calls at Maple Farm.
Today Lancaster County is officially green, however, this does not mean that COVID-19 is no longer a threat. Since the official move to yellow, as is the case with Lancaster County, we have seen an increase in the number of people being tested and (as indicated in previous posts) have had a few cases in independent living.
The Screening Tent will remain in place for now and everyone entering campus must wear a mask. Everyone’s temperature will be taken at the screening tent and if anyone in the vehicle has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, that vehicle will be denied access to the campus and those persons will be asked to visit at another time when their health issues have resolved. Please wear a mask as you approach the tent in consideration of our staff.
We hope there will be no more positive cases in the future. However, for everyone’s safety, red signs will be placed in areas where someone has tested positive for COVID-19. The signs are removed when the person has recovered.
Outdoor visits only will continue for now and both masks and social distancing are required.
At this time, all of our restaurants and other indoor services are available for residents only.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

Last week we conducted universal testing in skilled nursing, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.  We believe that this effort to identify people who may be COVID-19 positive, but not exhibiting signs or symptoms, is an effective way to limit the spread of this virus. As is the case in most situations where universal testing is conducted, we did have some positive results. One team member at Garden Spot Village, two team members at Maple Farm and three residents at Maple Farm were all identified as being positive, even though they are asymptomatic. The team members are all taking time off with pay while they are self-isolating at home. The three residents at Maple Farm have been moved to an area of the building, which was specially prepared for this scenario and is separate from other residents.

As directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and CDC, because there were asymptomatic results, all residents and staff in the skilled nursing households at Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm will be tested again this week.

Additionally, we have been notified in the last 72 hours that two separate independent living residents have tested positive for COVID-19.  In both situations we have placed signage in the general area to let residents and guests know that these areas are off limits to the general public and that residents in those areas should be self-monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms.  Social Services has been working to support these individuals with whatever services they need as they self-quarantine.

All the precautions as describe in our June 19 post remain in effect. We continue to remind residents and staff that COVID-19 remains a threat, encouraging everyone to make wise decisions.

We will continue to update this page once a week, on Fridays.

We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

We are thankful we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living and our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).
A skilled nursing employee at Garden Spot Village was notified this morning, Friday June 12, that they tested positive for COVID-19. They are recovering at home. The last day the employee was at Garden Spot Village was June 9. Subsequent to that date, the individual reported COVID symptoms to the Director of Nursing and was instructed to not report to work and to contact their doctor immediately. All residents that this person had contact with are being closely monitored for symptoms and, at this time, all are symptom free. Additionally, we are continuing to follow the guidelines provided by the CDC and Department of Health as they relate to a situation such as this.
As we have emphasized in the past just because Lancaster County is in the Yellow phase does not mean that COVID-19 is no longer a threat. In LNP this morning there were two articles reporting that while COVID-19 is declining in other counties it is rising in Lancaster County. For your safety and the safety of others we encourage you to continue to wear a mask when out in public, practice social distancing and diligently wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
The following protocol applies:
  • Healthcare will remain closed to visitors per PA Department of Health requirements. Window visits will be available for off-campus family. Visits must be scheduled through Social Services.
  • Independent Living residents are welcome to host visitors outside. Visitors must enter the campus between 10am–7pm. Visits can occur in lawns, parking areas, the Pavilion, or patios. Visitors are expected to maintain social distancing while on campus. Visiting areas must be disinfected between visits.
  • Staff at the screening tent on Linden Avenue will take temperatures of all visitors as they enter and all residents as they re-enter. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus. In addition, anyone who has a temperature greater than 100 degrees or is exhibiting signs of respiratory illness will not be permitted to enter the campus.
  • Masks are required for all visitors. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus. Please know that wearing a mask is not a political statement, it is a public health imperative.
  • Residents and staff will continue to wear masks when in public areas of the building or in close proximity to others outdoors.We will continue to adapt as we learn more about the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on our campus and community.
We invite you to continue to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage and facilitate virtual visits using technology.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and our team members.
Beginning next week we will update this page weekly, on Fridays, unless we have new cases to report.The Governor has announced that Lancaster County is moving to the Yellow phase today, Friday, June 5. Please be advised that this is not because it is now safer. We continue to see new COVID-19 cases daily in Lancaster County.
Because Lancaster County is now in the Yellow phase, the following protocol applies:
Healthcare will remain closed to visitors per PA Department of Health requirements. Window visits will be available for off-campus family. Visits must be scheduled through Social Services.
  • Independent Living visits will begin with outside visits only. Visitors must enter the campus between 10am–7pm. Visits can occur in lawns, parking areas, the Pavilion, porches and patios. Visitors are expected to maintain social distancing while on campus. Visiting areas must be disinfected between visits.
  • The screening tent on Linden Avenue will take temperatures of all visitors as they enter and all residents as they re-enter. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus. In addition, anyone who has a temperature greater than 100 degrees or is exhibiting signs of respiratory illness will not be permitted to enter the campus.
  • Masks are required for all visitors. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus. Please know that wearing a mask is not a political statement, it is a public health imperative.
  • Residents and staff will continue to wear masks when in public areas of the building or in close proximity to others outdoors.
We will continue to adapt as we learn more about the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on our campus and community.
We invite you to continue to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage and facilitate virtual visits using technology.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and our team members.
Beginning next week we will update this page weekly, on Fridays, unless we have new cases to report.
The Governor has announced that Lancaster County is moving to Yellow this Friday, June 5. Please be advised that this is not because it is now safer. We continue to see new COVID-19 cases daily in Lancaster County. Provided the move to Yellow takes place as planned, the following re-opening steps will go into effect on Friday, June 5.
  • Healthcare will remain closed to visitors per PA Department of Health requirements. Window visits will be available for off-campus family. These must be scheduled through Social Services.
  • Independent Living visitation will begin with outside visits only. Visitors must enter the campus  between 10am–7pm. Visits can occur in lawns, parking areas, the Pavilion, porches and patios. Areas must be disinfected between visits.
  • The screening tent on Linden Avenue will resume taking temperatures for all visitors/residents. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus.
  • Masks will be required for all visitors. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus. Please know that wearing a mask is not a political statement, it is a public health imperative.
  • Residents, visitors and staff will continue to wear masks when in public areas of the building or in close proximity to others outdoors.
We will continue to adapt as we learn more about the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on our campus and community.
We invite you to continue to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage and facilitate virtual visits using technology.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful we continue to be without any confirmed COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living and our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).
The Governor has announced that Lancaster County is moving to Yellow on June 5. Please be advised that this is not because it is now safer. We continue to see new COVID-19 cases daily in Lancaster County. Provided the move to Yellow takes place as planned June 5, 2020 the following re-opening steps will go into effect on Friday, June 5.
  • Healthcare will remain closed to visitors per PA Department of Health requirements. Window visits will be available for off-campus family. These must be scheduled through Social Services.
  • Independent Living visitation will begin with outside visits only. Visitation hours are between 10am–7pm. Visits can occur in lawns, parking areas, the Pavilion, porches and patios. Areas must be disinfected between visits.
  • The screening tent on Linden Avenue will resume taking temperatures for all visitors/residents. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus.
  • Masks will be required for all visitors. For the safety of residents, anyone who refuses to comply will not be permitted to enter the campus.
  • Residents, visitors and staff will continue to wear masks when in public areas of the building or in close proximity to others outdoors.
We will continue to adapt as we learn more about the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on our campus and community.
We invite you to continue to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage and facilitate virtual visits using technology.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living and our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm). We also do not have any new cases among staff.
For the health and safety of our residents, we continue to remain closed to visitors, honoring the fact that Lancaster County is still in the red phase as defined by Governor Wolf. We look forward to moving into the yellow phase in early June, as per the governor’s guidance.
We are well aware of the difficulty this places upon residents and their families. As the general public becomes less cautious, as reported from other areas, the risk and number of new cases increases. We ask for your support and cooperation and ask you to hold off on visits for a while longer.
We invite you to continue to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage and facilitate virtual visits using technology.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents continue to wear masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living and our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm). In addition, since the one staff member tested positive last weekend, there have been no new cases among staff.

For the health and safety of our residents, recognizing that the Lancaster County reopening phase is currently RED as defined by the State of Pennsylvania, our campus remains closed to visitors and all our phase red precautions remain in place. We are just as anxious as everyone else and look forward to the day we can reopen.

We are well aware of the difficulty this places upon residents and their families, especially because we are coming up on another holiday weekend. During our weekly broadcast with residents yesterday, we encouraged them to remain overly cautious for a while longer for their own personal safety and the safety of all their neighbors. As the general public becomes less cautious, as reported from other areas, the risk and number of new cases increases. We ask for your support and cooperation, as well as holding off on visits for a while longer. Unfortunately, we have had people come to our screening tent expecting to visit and they have not been able to enter the campus. It is very uncomfortable for those expecting to visit and our staff who had to disappoint them.

As in the past, you are welcome to drop-off flowers, gifts or groceries at the screening tent and we will deliver them. We continue to encourage virtual visits using technology.

We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living and our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).
This past weekend a team member who works in the therapy department tested positive for COVID-19. This employee had not been on campus since May 7 and only became symptomatic on May 14, which means risk of exposure to residents and other team members is low. The team member is recovering at home with mild symptoms.
In accordance with CDC guidance, all staff have been wearing masks when in contact with residents in order to reduce the risk of transmission. Therapy staff are contacting anyone who may have been recently treated by this individual.
If you have been following our website updates you know that we have put extensive precautions in place to minimize the risk of a COVID-19 occurrence on campus because we are well aware of how easily it is transmitted. Last week when Lancaster County officials supported plans to partially re-open the county, we chose to continue to honor the governor’s stay-at-home order. Our campus remains closed to visitors and we emphasized the need to remain diligent to both residents and staff.
We communicated these continued precautions during our weekly broadcast of Coffee & Conversations with residents, we sent messages on our in-house resident communication network and we sent e-mails to all staff members.
In addition, we are in touch with family members of any resident who had contact with the affected employee and we are monitoring their condition closely. We are implementing the guidance from the CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health called for under this situation.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are so thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and staff.
This is no small accomplishment and we know that it has been incredibly hard for everyone to have shut down their lives for the past couple months in order to make it happen. We are convinced that when we look back on this time, you will know that the sacrifices that you and your loved ones have made have helped to save each other’s lives and the lives of others in our community. But we’re not done yet. We all have to remain determined to continue to make good decisions in order to keep our community safe.
We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to honor the Governor’s stay-at-home directives, as we keep the safety of your loved ones our top priority. We strongly encourage you to connect with your loved ones through phone calls, letters and virtual visits. If you need help coordinating this, please contact Social Services. We continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and we monitor temperatures daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We have added a few more questions at the screening tent related to symptoms of COVID-19. The CDC has added some secondary symptoms, so the list now includes the following: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, unusual muscle pain, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell. As the weather gets warmer (and our thermometers function outdoors again), we will also return to taking temperatures of people entering the campus, residents included.
We have received a lot of questions regarding the press releases from the state and county related to testing of nursing home residents and staff. The county has indicated that their effort will be a one-time testing of nursing home residents and staff. That will not include independent living or personal care. The State Department of Health has yet to provide comprehensive guidance and they are meeting to formulate a plan. They are hoping to be able to provide some guidance next week. We will keep you informed of how this impacts Garden Spot Communities.
We started our Wagon Concert series this week and are excited to see those continue. Our Life Enrichment team is working hard to help create safe opportunities for engagement and entertainment. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. Life looks different but it hasn’t stopped at Garden Spot Communities.The Campus Services team has been preparing some outdoor locations where residents can meet with “on-campus” friends to visit while wearing masks and maintaining distances. There are 6’ measuring sticks available to help with this. We continue to be awed by the resilience and resolve of our residents. We are all staying strong together.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.
We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and staff.
This is a very difficult time for all of us especially since, as the weather gets warmer, family gatherings and vacations become more common place. Unfortunately, with the seriousness of COVID-19 these are uncommon times and this is not the time to abandon caution.
Our first priority is for the lives, health and safety of Garden Spot Communities residents. All along we have closely monitored and followed the guidelines of our state Governor, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC. We plan to continue that course of action and when the State changes Lancaster County to Yellow and ultimately a Green condition we will respond accordingly at those times. Our plans are ready but until then we will continue with all of our condition Red pre-cautions and we ask that you honor those precautions with us.
We have heard that some churches in our area may resume holding services. We can’t emphasize enough how dangerous this is for our community and are strongly recommending that residents resist attending church until the Governor relaxes the stay-at-home order.
This short video from the CDC explains how one unsuspecting person can give COVID-19 to many other people and some die as a result: “How Covid-19 can spread in a community.” In the example in this video the person attended family gatherings and spread COVID-19 at a birthday party and church.We need your help. Please remember that Garden Spot and Maple Farm residents are among those at the highest level of risk for COVID-19. In an effort to keep residents at Garden Spot and Maple Farm as safe and healthy as possible, we remind you that visitation is still prohibited for all family members and guests.
We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to honor the Governor’s stay-at-home directives, as we keep the safety of your loved ones our top priority. We strongly encourage you to connect with your loved ones through phone calls, letters, and virtual visits. If you need help coordinating this, please contact Social Services. We continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and we monitor temperatures daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and staff.

We are quickly approaching a Mother’s Day that will look very different this year. We truly understand how difficult it has been to refrain from visiting the people you love over the past two months. However, we need to remember that Garden Spot and Maple Farm residents are among those at the highest level of risk for COVID-19. In an effort to keep residents at Garden Spot and Maple Farm as safe and healthy as possible, we need to remind you again that visitation is still prohibited, even this Mother’s Day weekend.

We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to honor the Governor’s stay-at-home directives, as we keep the safety of your loved ones our top priority. You are strongly encouraged to connect with your loved ones through phone calls, letters, and virtual visits. If you need help coordinating this, please contact Social Services.

Here are some details concerning deliveries this Mother’s Day:

  • We encourage you to send gifts through florists or delivery services (i.e. Amazon, UPS, etc.) rather than driving to campus to drop off items yourself.
  • Additional team members will be present to make sure the influx of packages are delivered in a timely manner.
  • All of our entrances are closed to guests.
  • Items for delivery can be dropped off at our main entrance at Kinzer Avenue.
  • Staff will stop each car and receive any items that need to be delivered.
  • Clearly label all packages in advance with the resident’s name and address/apartment number.

Thank you for understanding. We look forward to the time when Garden Spot and Maple Farm are open to visitors.

To learn about the newest initiative to engage residents through virtual reality experiences, please visit our blog page.

Please know we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and we monitor temperatures daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! We are thankful to report that we continue to be without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and staff.
Because Lancaster County is still in the “red” phase, as per Governor Wolf, we do not anticipate that our Stay at Home Order will be lifted in the near term. Governor Wolf’s Data Driven Reopening Standard Threshold is less than 50 confirmed cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 people in the past 14 days. Lancaster County, as of May 4, had 138.79 confirmed cases in the past 14 days per 100,000 people.
Although we are hearing a lot of discussion about different business sectors reopening across the state and country, we realize the need to be abundantly cautious due to the devastating impact that this virus is having on older adults. We are also very aware that the number of cases in Lancaster County continues to rise quickly. As a result, we are not making plans to reopen our campus at this point. We know that this causes stress on residents and families alike, but feel the need to maintain as safe an environment as we reasonably can and we appreciate everyone’s continued understanding as we find our way through this crisis.
We shared a video from PBS entitled “What this Chart Actually Means for Covid-19” with residents and team members last week. You can view the video here. Many people commented that it helped to clarify all the precautions we have in place and we thought we would share it here.
Please know we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and we monitor temperatures daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at
We are thankful to report that we have completed another week without any COVID-19 cases among residents in independent living, our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm) and staff.
Although we are hearing a lot of discussion about different business sectors reopening across the state and country, we realize the need to be abundantly cautious due to the devastating impact that this virus is having on older adults. We are also very aware that the numbers of cases in Lancaster County continue to rise quickly. As a result, we are not making plans to reopen our campus at this point. We know that this causes stress on residents and families alike, but feel the need to maintain as safe an environment as we reasonably can and we appreciate everyone’s continued understanding as we find our way through this crisis.
We shared a video from PBS entitled “What this Chart Actually Means for Covid-19” with residents and tem members this week. You can view the video here. Many people commented that it helped to clarify all the precautions we have in place and we thought we would share it here.
The Garden Spot Village blog page offers a great window into the life of our community. We just added a blog about our Superhero Team and how we’ve been celebrating everything they have been doing to go above and beyond during the past eight weeks.
Please know we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and we monitor temperatures daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at
We are very thankful to report that Garden Spot Communities has no cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm). Each day, we learn about another community that has a sudden onset of positive COVID-19 cases, so we continue to be extremely cautious.
As a reminder, moving forward, we will update our website on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Even though we are under a Stay-at-Home order, Garden Spot Village residents continue to contribute to the New Holland community. Last evening, because of the generosity of Garden Spot Village residents and the Swipe Out Hunger program, Garden Spot Village donated enough meatballs, sauce, garlic bread and desserts for 500 people.
CrossNet Ministries says, “A huge thank you to Garden Spot Village and Hoober Produce for making the Free Drive Thru Community Meal possible! Over 300 people were served spaghetti and meatballs, salad, dessert and garlic bread!“
The Garden Spot Village blog page offers a great window into the life of our community. Recent blogs detail our every-two-hour disinfecting process, the screening tent and 10 ways residents are staying engaged and connected.
Please know we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at
We are very thankful to report that Garden Spot Communities has no cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).
Starting the week of April 26, we will post updates on Tuesdays and Fridays. We will always disclose the health of our team members and residents but we also hope to share ways residents and team members are living with purpose and supporting our local community, even in the midst of social distancing and stay-at-home orders.
Because family members are not able to visit during this time, we are finding new ways for residents to connect and engage with others. For example, our Pastoral Services team is meeting with people daily (as they are comfortable), offering hope and prayer. Our Activities Team is working to connect residents in all of the healthcare areas with their friends and family through phone calls, skype and zoom conferencing. Laurel View residents are writing letters and creating cards to send to their family members. We have also invited children from the New Holland community to write letters of encouragement to our residents.
The Garden Spot Village blog page offers a great window into the life of our community. Blogs posted this week talk about our every-two-hour disinfecting process, the screening tent and 10 ways residents are staying engaged and connected.
Please know we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.
For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

We are very thankful to report that Garden Spot Communities has no cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).

As cases continue to increase in Lancaster County, we continue to remain vigilant, working as hard as we can to keep our residents and team members safe and informed. As the amount of testing increases in the larger community and tests are returning more quickly, we have seen increased, precautionary testing of Garden Spot residents as well. To-date, all of the testing that has returned has been negative for COVID-19. We are thankful that at this moment, there are no tests pending. Please know that when someone is tested, we track each situation closely and support these individuals as they self-quarantine while they await test results.

To reiterate, all team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. All staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. In addition, we continue to disinfect high-touch areas in public spaces every two hours.

In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we ask that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for virtual visits between residents and family members.

We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

We are very thankful to report that, even though the number of new cases in Lancaster County is continuing to increase daily, Garden Spot Communities has come through another week with no new cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).

Official reports vary as to when this critical situation will subside. Unfortunately, some indicate it could be mid-to-late May. While we certainly hope that is not the case we will remain vigilant. As the amount of testing increases in the larger community and tests are returning more quickly, we have seen increased, precautionary testing of Garden Spot residents as well. To-date, all of the testing that has returned has been negative for COVID-19. We are thankful that at this moment, there are no tests pending. Please know that when someone is tested, we track each situation closely and support these individuals as they self-quarantine while they await test results.

We are so grateful for the way the local community is thinking about and supporting us. Shady Maple, Goods Store, September Farm Cheese and Stauffer’s Pharmacy are all accepting online or call-in orders and delivering them to campus where volunteers deliver them. The ELANCO School District loaned us thermometers early on when we needed more and Esbenshade’s Greenhouse donated an abundance of Easter flowers. Please visit our Blog and Facebook page for the full stories. If you are interested in a day-one-to-today summary of what has taken place visit our blog Staying Connected.

To reiterate, all team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. Staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. In addition, we are disinfecting high-touch areas in public spaces every two hours.

In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we continue to ask that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Along with everything mentioned about, our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for virtual visits between residents and family members.

We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent.

If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

We are thankful to report that there are no new cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm).

We know that as this situation continues, the necessity of continued social-distancing becomes more wearisome. However, just because we are physically separated doesn’t mean we need to be socially, mentally or spiritually isolated. We have been doing all we can to help people stay connected. We’ve helped to arrange many zoom calls between residents and family members. Residents are calling each other on the phone. Each Thursday Steve Lindsey (CEO), Steve Muller (COO) and Christy Turner (General Manager Dining Services) answer resident questions for an hour on our in-house TV network during Coffee & Conversation.

The creative team launched Connected, a weekly video series highlighting how residents and team members continue to stay connected each week. Chet Yoder, Chaplain, is releasing weekly ChapChats videos. Weekly Cooking Demonstration videos show people how to make delicious culinary dishes. Departments are creating engaging videos and so far thirteen wellness videos have been released. In total twenty seven videos and counting have been released to ease the challenges of social distancing. In addition, we’ve been reminding people that the “the outdoors” isn’t closed. Many residents are taking advantage of the beautiful walking trails around the campus and through the gardens, even while they are social distancing. While people may be choosing to self-isolate, they surely are not abandoned.

We remain vigilant. As the amount of testing increases in the larger community, we are seeing increased, precautionary testing of Garden Spot residents as well. As we reported earlier this week, to-date, all of the testing that has returned has been negative for COVID-19. We are thankful that at this moment, there are no tests pending. Please know that when someone is tested, we track each situation closely and support these individuals as they self-quarantine while they await test results.

All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. Staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. In addition, we are disinfecting high-touch areas in public spaces every two hours.

In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we continue to ask that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Along with everything mentioned about, our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for virtual visits between residents and family members.

We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent.

If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities was blessed over the weekend with no new cases of COVID-19 among staff and residents living in independent living or our healthcare areas (Mountain View, Laurel View and skilled nursing, including Maple Farm). Staff were very happy to promptly deliver the many flowers, groceries and Easter Dinners family and friends dropped off for residents over the weekend. We are thankful to everyone who asked if they could come onto campus for a visit, and who graciously understood our extreme caution and simply dropped off their deliveries and departed. Many people thanked us for all the precautions that have been put in place to keep their loved ones safe.

According to officials, the surge of COVID-19 cases is expected in the next two weeks. We can only hope the predictions are incorrect, that the impact will be much less than projected and that Garden Spot Communities continues to be COVID-19 free. As the amount of testing increases in the larger community, we are seeing increased, precautionary testing of Garden Spot residents as well. To-date, all of the testing that has returned has been negative for COVID-19. Please know that we are tracking each situation closely and supporting these individuals as they self-quarantine.
All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.
Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. Staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we continue to ask that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for a virtual visit between residents and family members.

We are accepting deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at


We hope that you have a safe and healthy Easter Holiday Weekend!

We are again grateful to share that we are not aware of any new cases of COVID-19 with staff and residents in independent living or our healthcare areas (skilled nursing, personal care and memory support). Everyone continues to be screened as they come to campus. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor healthcare residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. Staff and residents are wearing masks, as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

We remain hopeful that the protective measures we have put in place will continue to be effective. However, we are very aware of the stress and strain this crisis places on both our residents and family members. Our blogs and Facebook posts continue to represent life on campus during these times of social distancing.

We recognize that this is a special family gathering weekend, however, in order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we must continue to ask that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for a virtual visit between residents and family members.

One person shared that they were planning on having a virtual Easter dinner with family by having their phone sitting on the dinner table with the speaker setting turned on… and their family would be doing the same at their houses… so they could share dinner together even though they are apart.  We thought that was a great idea and would encourage others to consider that as a way to be together on Easter!

We are accepting flower deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to closely evaluate the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. Staff are required to wear masks and residents are being strongly encouraged to do so as well.

We are again grateful to share that we are not aware of any new cases of COVID-19 with staff and residents in independent living or our healthcare areas (skilled nursing, personal care and memory support). Everyone continues to be screened as they come to campus. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

We are thankful that, as with our last update, there are no new cases. Until this crisis is over our plan is to provide an update here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday even if there is nothing new to report.

We remain hopeful that the protective measures we have put in place will continue to be effective. However, we are very aware of the stress and strain this crisis places on both our residents and family members. Our blogs and Facebook posts continue to represent life on campus during these times of social distancing.

In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we are asking that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed. Our Social Services team is working hard to support residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for a virtual visit between residents and family members.

We are accepting flower deliveries and care packages as well as grocery deliveries for residents at the screening tent. If you would like to drop off items for a family member, please include their name and their address on the package and we will deliver it as quickly as possible.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We are closely evaluating the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. As a result, all team members will be wearing face masks, as per Governor Wolf’s recommendation on Friday, April 3. Additionally, while many residents have made their own masks or are using the do-it-yourself methods available on the internet we are providing complimentary “buffs” for residents who may not have access to a facemask.

We are grateful to share that we are not aware of any new cases of COVID-19 with staff and residents in independent living or our healthcare  areas (skilled nursing, personal care and memory support). Everyone is screened as they come to campus. All team members are routinely screened for symptoms and temperatures monitored daily (twice a day in healthcare). We also continue to monitor residents for symptoms, temperature and pulse oximetry daily.

We are hopeful that the protective measures we have put in place will continue to be effective. However, we are very aware of the stress and strain these measures place on both our residents and family members. In order to keep everyone on the campus as safe as possible, we are asking that friends and family respect the visitation restrictions that are in place and postpone face-to-face visits until after this situation has passed.   Our Social Services team is working hard to support to residents and families through this crisis and can assist in using technology to arrange for a virtual visit between residents and family members.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities remains committed to keeping residents and team members safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We are closely evaluating the guidance of the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health in our efforts to combat the spread of the virus. We are saddened by all the lives this disease has touched and the effect it is having on everyone. Numerous safety precautions have been implemented on our campuses and we will continue in that spirit until this situation has passed.

In the interest of transparency and for the health and safety of our residents, family members and friends, we previously shared that a team member in Laurel View Memory Support tested positive for COVID-19. That employee continues to recover at home. All team members and residents in all our healthcare areas are routinely screened for symptoms and there have been NO additional cases among team members. There have been NO cases with any of the residents in Skilled Nursing, Personal Care or Memory Support.

We also shared earlier that there were three cases in Independent Living. This is a difficult disease to contain and thankfully at this time there have been NO further cases in Independent Living. We regularly communicate with residents, are sharing encouragement and practical safety precautions, have marked the floors for social distancing, increased the number of hand sanitizing stations, are disinfecting touchable surfaces including door knobs multiple times per day, have implemented a variety of delivery services and many other precautions.  Throughout this process, we have worked hard to escalate our response as the threat level has increased and we will continue to do everything we can to provide an environment that is as safe and healthy as possible until we see this through.

In addition to these updates we will be sharing more in-depth blogs from this point forward to provide a greater sense of what is and has been taking place. Visit if you are interested.

We continue to monitor COVID-19 through regular contact with the PA Department of Health, the CDC and the PA Emergency Management Agency.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Today we are deeply saddened and ask for your prayers. As you know, our team at Garden Spot Village has worked tirelessly to respond to the challenging Coronavirus situation. We know that families, friends, and staff members have been impacted by this global pandemic. Over the weekend we learned the following:

  • A married couple in independent living tested positive for COVID-19. One is in the hospital and the other is self-quarantined and recovering at home. Please pray for them, it is a very difficult situation for both of them. We are providing physical and emotional support to the person at home, as well as, delivering meals and other essentials as needed.
  • A single person in independent living passed away last week. After their death, test results were returned that confirmed they had tested positive for COVID-19. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of this resident and the many staff members who have been touched by their life. Our team has been working to provide support to the family members and those who were close to this resident during this time of loss. Please join us in offering prayers and support to the family, friends and staff who were involved with their life.

In both situations we are working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health to do contact tracing as well as continuing to follow guidelines set forth by the CDC.

From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak Garden Spot Communities has been concerned for the ongoing health, safety and welfare of our residents and staff. As a result, when we learned the couple mentioned above was being tested for COVID-19 we initiated Phase 5 of our Emergency Response Plan.

As previously posted on Friday, March 27, Phase 5 includes the following initial actions:

The Garden Spot Village campus is restricted for all visitors who have not demonstrated a need for a “Family Caregiver” Pass. All items that need to be provided to residents can be dropped off at the Screening Tent at the entrance to the campus and they will be delivered.

Only residents, pre-authorized family members providing care to a resident, staff, contract healthcare workers and emergency personnel may enter the campus.

In addition, we are actively monitoring all of our healthcare residents and staff for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health to follow their guidelines. In addition, all residents are being encouraged to self-monitor for signs of shortness of breath, fever or persistent cough.

All of our staff members continue to follow CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of further spreading COVID-19. These include strict handwashing procedures, maintaining social distances, frequent cleaning of surfaces, and the utilization of Personal Protective Equipment as needed.

Residents are also highly discouraged from leaving campus, except for life-sustaining reasons.

Healthcare areas, including the Skilled Nursing Households, Laurel View, Mountain View and Maple Farm, continue to be closed except for end of life situations as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.

All entrances and exits to the campus are closed except for the main entrance on Kinzer Avenue. All residents and staff must enter and exit the campus at this location.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities is concerned for the ongoing health, safety and welfare of our residents and staff. From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak we’ve been monitoring updates and guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC and have been escalating our Emergency Response Plan as the threat level has increased.

Today, Friday, March 27, we learned that:

  • The Governor has issued “Stay-at-Home” orders for Lancaster County.
  • One of the independent living residents at Garden Spot Village is under investigation for COVID-19.

This combination of events moves us into Phase 5 of our COVID-19 Response Plan.

This involves the following action:
As of 5pm on Friday, March 27, Garden Spot Village campus will be restricted for all visitors who have not demonstrated a need for a “Family Caregiver” Pass. All items that need to be provided to residents can be dropped off at the Screening Tent at the entrance to the campus and they will be delivered.

Only residents, pre-authorized family members providing care to a resident, staff, contract healthcare workers and emergency personnel may enter the campus.

In addition, we are actively monitoring all of our healthcare residents and staff for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health to follow their guidelines. Plus all residents are being encouraged to self-monitor for signs of shortness of breath, fever or persistent cough.

All of our staff members continue to follow CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of further spreading COVID-19. These include strict handwashing procedures, and the utilization of Personal Protective Equipment as needed.

In addition, residents are highly discouraged from leaving campus for any non-life sustaining reason.

Healthcare areas, including the Skilled Nursing Households, Laurel View, Mountain View and Maple Farm, continue to be closed except for end of life situations as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Please encourage family or friends who live at Garden Spot Village to remain on campus and to limit their travel.

All entrances and exits to the campus are closed except for the main entrance on Kinzer Avenue. All residents and staff must enter and exit the campus at this location.

Please know that we continue to monitor the situation through regular contact with the PA Department of Health, the CDC and the PA Emergency Management Agency.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Garden Spot Communities is concerned for the ongoing health, safety, and welfare of our residents and staff. From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak we’ve been monitoring updates and guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC and have been escalating our Emergency Response Plan as the threat level has increased.

Today, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 we learned that one of our staff members in Laurel View Memory Support tested positive for COVID-19. We are actively monitoring our residents and healthcare staff for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

All of our staff members continue to follow CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. These include strict handwashing procedures, and the utilization of Personal Protective Equipment as needed.

All visitation to healthcare areas was previously suspended on Friday March 13. In addition, Laurel View Memory Support is a household with extremely limited access. We believe these factors help to limit any exposure to persons in other areas of the campus. The individual in question was a team member whose exposure was limited to one shift that occurred approximately 10 days ago. That person is currently self-isolating at home and is reporting mild symptoms. Active monitoring of Laurel View residents predated this event and has not resulted in additional signs or symptoms of COVID-19 being identified.

Any visitor who is not a caregiver for a family member or POA is asked to postpone visits indefinitely. Residents are highly discouraged from leaving campus for any reason. Healthcare, including the Skilled Nursing Households, Laurel View, Mountain View and Maple Farm continues to be closed except for end of life situations as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Please help us ensure the safety of the residents by avoiding visits at this time. Please encourage others to avoid visiting and encourage family or friends who live at Garden Spot Village not to leave the campus.

All entrances and exits to the campus are closed except for the main entrance on Kinzer Avenue. All residents, staff and visitors must enter and exit the campus at this location.

A screening station is located on Linden Drive, beyond the entrance to the campus. Everyone entering the campus will stop at that location and will need to complete a screening interview that will include the following questions:

· Do you have a current respiratory infection?
· Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
· Is your visit absolutely essential?
· Visitors who do not pass the screening will be turned away.

The screening station also functions as a drop-off location for items that need to be forwarded to residents (if the person delivering them is not able to pass the screening).

Please know that we continue to monitor the situation through regular contact with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the CDC and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

For the most up-to-date information on this topic, please visit the CDC website at

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

We are all aware that the COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly and Garden Spot Communities is working to implement an action plan that addresses any needs as the situation escalates.

Thursday afternoon, Governor Wolf issued an order to close all businesses that are not life sustaining. That order contained the following statements:

  • “No person or entity shall operate a place of business in the Commonwealth that is not a life sustaining business regardless of whether the business is open to members of the public.”
  • “Life sustaining businesses may remain open, but they must follow, at a minimum, the social distancing practices and other mitigation measures defined by the Centers for Disease Control to protect workers and patrons.”
  • “All restaurants and bars previously have been ordered to close their dine-in facilities to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Businesses that offer carry-out, delivery, and drive-through food and beverage service may continue, so long as social distancing and other mitigation measures are employed to protect workers and patrons.”

All of this is an effort to provide the safest environment possible by reducing the likelihood of any transmission of the virus on the campus.

As a result of this, additional measures are being taken at Garden Spot Village.

  • The Wellness Center is closed to residents.
  • On-campus restaurants have take-out and delivery for residents only.
  • The Beauty Salon is closed.
  • The campus is closed to the general public.

Any visitor who is not a caregiver for a family member or POA is asked to postpone visits indefinitely. Residents are highly discouraged from leaving campus for any reason. Healthcare, including the Skilled Nursing Households, Laurel View, Mountain View and Maple Farm is closed except for end of life situations as directed by the PA Department of Health.

Please help us ensure the safety of the residents by avoiding all non-essential visits, encouraging others to avoid visiting and encourage family or friends who live at Garden Spot Village not to leave the campus.

All entrances and exits to the campus are closed except for the main entrance on Kinzer Avenue. All residents, staff and visitors must enter and exit the campus at this location.

A screening station is located on Linden Drive, beyond the entrance to the campus. Everyone entering the campus will stop at that location and will need to complete a screening interview that will include the person’s temperature being taken in addition to the following questions:

  • Do you have a current respiratory infection?
  • Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
  • Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days (including cruises)?
  • Are you from an area significantly affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Visitors who do not pass the screening will be turned away.

The screening station also functions as a drop-off location for items that need to be forwarded to residents (if the person delivering them is not able to pass the screening).

Please know that we continue to monitor the situation through regular contact with the PA Department of Health, the CDC and the PA Emergency Management Agency.

Garden Spot Communities continues to be committed to the health and safety of our residents. So, while there have been no incidents of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on our campuses, we were alerted the morning of March 18, 2020 that a case of COVID-19 had been identified in Lancaster County. This event moves us into Phase 4 of our COVID-19 Response Plan.

This involves the following action:

  • As of 5am Thursday, March 19, 2020 all entrances and exits to the campus will be closed except for the main entrance on Kinzer Avenue. All residents, staff and visitors must enter and exit the campus at this location.
  • A screening station will be established on Linden Drive, beyond the entrance to the campus. Everyone entering the campus will be stopped at that location and will need to complete a screening interview that will include the person’s temperature being taken in addition to the following questions:
    • Do you have a current respiratory infection?
    • Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
    • Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days (including cruises)?
    • Are you from an area (other than Lancaster County) affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
  • Visitors who do not pass the screening will be turned away.
  • The screening station will also function as a drop-off location for items that need to be forwarded to residents (if the person delivering them is not able to pass the screening).
  • All residents are strongly encouraged to limit their off-campus activity to essential tasks/travel only.
  • At this time, visitors to the campus are not completely restricted but are limited to essential visits only.
  • Sidewalks will be closed to the general public as well.

In addition, the Harvest Table, Refresh Coffee Shop, The Creamery, The Terrace Dining Room, Linden Store and Share and Care Thrift Store remain closed to the general public.

Please know that we continue to monitor the situation through regular contact with the PA Department of Health, the CDC and the PA Emergency Management Agency.

Garden Spot Communities continues to be committed to the health and safety of our residents. So, while there have been no incidents of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our communities, we were alerted the afternoon of March 13, 2020 that a case of COVID-19 had been identified in Chester County. As a result, we initiated Phase 3 of our COVID-19 Response Plan. This includes a variety of precautions with residents, team members and visitors as well as following the specific guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.

Effective at 12am on Saturday, March 14, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s recommendation, we began to restrict all visitors from visiting our healthcare areas including the skilled nursing households at both Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm as well as Mountain View and Laurel View. Friends and family members are more than welcome to send cards, call on the phone or work with Social Services staff to set up a Skype call, but in-person visits are being curtailed until we receive further guidance form the PA Department of Health.

Independent Living visitor hours have gone into effect. All visitors should park in Lot #1 or Lot #8 and will be screened as they enter the Village Square or the Apartment Suites lobby.

Village Square Entrance
Monday – Friday: 8am – 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8am – 6:30pm

Apartment Suites Lobby Entrance
8am – 5pm 7 days per week

Visitors will be asked the following questions:
· Do you have a current respiratory infection?
· Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
· Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days (including cruises)?
· Are you from an area affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

To ensure the health and safety of everyone, anyone answering “yes” to any of these questions will not be able to proceed into the apartment building.

The Harvest Table, Refresh Coffee Shop, The Creamery, The Terrace Dining Room, Linden Store and Share and Care Thrift Store will be closed to the general public.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause, but due to the extremely contagious nature of this virus and the devastating effect it is having on older adults, we want you to know that we are doing everything possible to make sure everyone is safe.

Please continue to check this page for updates.

Garden Spot Communities continues to be committed to the health and safety of our residents. So, while there have been no incidents of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our communities, we were alerted this afternoon that a case of COVID-19 has been identified in Chester County. As a result, we have entered Phase 3 of our COVID-19 Response Plan. This includes a variety of precautions with residents, team members and visitors as well as following the specific guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.

Effective at 12am on Saturday, March 14, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s recommendation, we will begin to restrict all visitors from visiting our healthcare areas including the skilled nursing households at both Garden Spot Village and Maple Farm as well as Mountain View and Laurel View. Friends and family members are more than welcome to send cards, call on the phone or work with Social Services staff to set up a Skype call, but in-person visits are being curtailed until we receive further guidance form the PA Department of Health.
We encourage only family and friends of independent living residents to visit Garden Spot Village at this time. All visitors should park in Lot #1 or Lot #8 and will be screened as they enter the Village Square or the Apartment Suites lobby.

Visitors will be asked following questions:
· Do you have a current respiratory infection?
· Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
· Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days (including cruises)?
· Are you from an area affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

To ensure the health and safety of everyone, anyone answering “yes” to any of these questions will not be able to proceed into the apartment building.

The Harvest Table, Refresh Coffee Shop, The Creamery, The Terrace Dining Room, Linden Store and Share and Care Thrift Store will be closed to the general public.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause, but due to the extremely contagious nature of this virus and the devastating effect it is having on older adults, we want you to know that we are doing everything possible to make sure everyone is safe.

Please continue to check this page for updates.

While there have been no incidents of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our communities, we’ve been taking a variety of precautions with residents, team members and visitors as well as following the guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC.

At this time, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s recommendation, we’ve begun to discourage all visitors and restrict visitors from areas where the coronavirus (COVID-19) is active (currently Pike, Northampton, Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, Philadelphia, Monroe and Wayne counties) from coming to visit our healthcare areas including the skilled nursing households, Mountain View and Laurel View. This means we are encouraging all family and friends who are not absolutely essential to postpone visits until after this situation passes. People are more than welcome to send cards, call on the phone or work with Social Services staff to set up a Skype call.

We are asking those who do visit healthcare areas to arrive between 11am and 7pm. Please enter through the main entrance at Village Square (parking lot #1).

As people enter the healthcare hallway there will be a table where visitors will be asked to sign-in and answer several screening questions before entering.

These questions include:
·      Do you have a current respiratory infection?
·      Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19)?
·      Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days?
·      Do you live in a community, or have you had close contact with someone from a community where a community-based spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is occurring?

To ensure the health and safety of everyone living in healthcare, anyone answering “yes” to any of these questions will not be able to enter the healthcare area.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause, but due to the extremely contagious nature of this virus and the devastating effect it is having on older adults, we want you to know that we are doing everything possible to make sure everyone is safe.

For Independent Living, visiting hours have not been established and sign-in is not required at this time, but we are requesting visitors to follow the same precautions as are listed above.

Please continue to check this page for updates. 

As health concerns regarding the possible spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to grow across Pennsylvania, Garden Spot Communities has taken a variety of precautionary measures for the safety and well-being of its residents, staff members and visitors.

Garden Spot Communities (GSC) Emergency Response Team has developed an action plan that follows the guidelines currently provided by the CDC and PA Department of Health. We are also planning for the possibility that further measures may be necessary if the situation escalates in the coming days. For that reason, we ask that you continue to monitor this web site for updates and developments.  

When it became evident that the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) held the possibility of negatively effecting the health and well-being of our residents, GSC implemented the first phase of the action plan, which outlines the preventive measures being taken throughout our campuses in New Holland and Akron. We held a resident meeting to outline the precautionary measures that should be taken by everyone and this information was subsequently distributed through internal communication channels. From our dining venues to our healthcare facilities, staff members are currently following the established action plan that is implemented in any potential healthcare event similar to this. During these next few weeks, Garden Spot Communities will routinely distribute helpful information to its residents and staff regarding plans, processes and updates related to preventive measures, and any additional steps to be taken that should become necessary. We are regularly monitoring communication from the PA Department of Health and the CDC, as well as other organizations such as the World Health Organization as we seek to be prudent in taking whatever measures are deemed appropriate to provide the necessary levels of protection for everyone. At this point, those directives are as follows:
Do not come to campus if any of the following apply to you.
  1. Presence of any flu symptoms including fever, sore throat, body aches, chills, cough,
  2. International travel within the last 14 days to restricted countries. For updated information on restricted countries visit this website.
  3. Signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as a fever, cough, and sore throat.
  4. Contact with someone with or under investigation for COVID-19
For more information, please use the following reputable sources.